date published: December 31, 2007

5 questions with...

Michael Van Osch
by Josh B. Wardrop

Canadian actor Michael Van Osch embraces his inner Neanderthal this month, bringing the fantastically popular one-man exploration of the battle between the sexes, Defending the Caveman, back to Boston. The show—Broadway’s longest-running solo play—runs at the Stuart Street Playhouse through January 5.

Q: Caveman argues that the differences between the sexes were ingrained back in prehistoric times, right?
Exactly. When men hunted together, they stayed silent, so’s not to scare off prey. They bonded through activity. Women, though, went out to gather materials and constantly spoke so they wouldn’t lose each other. They bonded through conversation.

Q: Men and women still consider the art of communication differently, don’t they?
It’s one of the biggest differences. When a date ends, and a woman says she’ll call you, she means she’ll call when she gets home. With a man, he means he’ll call sometime before he dies.

Q: Does it feel good to be in a show that refutes the traditional sitcom “guys are just morons” stereotype?
Definitely. [Caveman creator] Rob Becker knew all men weren’t jerks. So, he did sociological and anthropological research to figure out why we are how we are.

Q: You performed Caveman in your hometown of Waterloo, Ontario. What was that like?
A huge thrill, but a little surreal. There’s a video that runs before the show with old pictures of me, including a prom photo with my date cut out of it. In Waterloo, that girl—who I dated 20 years ago—came to the show and saw that, which must have been odd!

Q: So, safe to say, you’d recommend the show as suitable for date night?
Absolutely. It’s a really funny good time, but it also really gets couples talking to each other. I’ve had people tell me that every couple should see it before they get married.